By Dr. Michael Norman
Special to The Citizen
Remember in The Wizard of Oz how Dorothy and her friends trembled in front of the Great and Powerful Oz? Hearing the word “cancer” leaves us quaking in our paws like the poor lion. And understandably so. We have seen too many of our love ones harmed by this disease or we, ourselves, have our own battle scars.
What would it be like to pull back the curtain and discover that cancer is just a regular guy taking advantage of us?
In truth, cancer is just a regular guy. Cancer is simply a cell that has gotten carried away, taking advantage of us when we are in a weakened state. At any given time each of us has 100 to 10,000 cancer cells in the body. According to Dr. Michael Greenough, a professor at Northwestern University Medical School, our immune system is key.
“Under normal conditions, when the immune system is strong, these cells are destroyed. Thus, it is critical the immune system be maintained in top condition. If the immune system weakens too much, that’s when cancer can establish itself,” he said.
Our immune systems are weakened by five elements of our lifestyle:
- Stress
- Poor nutrition
- Poor fitness
- Toxicity
- Subluxation (nerve stress)
The good news is that we can take control of these five areas and restore our immune systems to its natural state. Our natural state is one in which our bodies kill off cancer cells before they can take hold.
Let’s take a look at these lifestyle factors, starting with stress. I can hear you now. “Stress! Stress, you say? Well, just shoot me now! Stress is a part of life How am I going to eliminate stress?” Well, the answer is that you won’t eliminate all stress, but you can make choices that lower the stress on your body. Stress comes in many forms. Mental, chemical, and physical stressors play a part in weakening our immune system. Our bodies are unique and powerful interconnected systems. When we repair one area of our lives, the other areas are positively impacted.
To counteract stress and strengthen our immune systems so that our bodies fight cancer naturally, we simply need to begin to make better lifestyle choices. One hundred percent of our lifestyle choices impact our ability to kill off cancer before it takes hold. The following five-step plan will give your body the edge it needs to defeat cancer before it starts.
- Reduce the toxic impact of sugar, refined, and processed foods by following Maximized Living’s Advanced Eating Plan.
- Burn fat, balance hormones and improve circulation to the brain and nervous system by working a Surge Training Fitness program like MaxT3.
- Decrease inflammation in the body and improve overall immune function with supplementation, in particular Vitamin D3 and proper ratio of omega fatty acids.
- Detoxify your body at the cellular level with Maximized Living’s Daily Detox.
- See your chiropractor for spinal corrective care.
A 2010 study in the medical journal Chiropractic & Osteopathy showed the direct response from a spinal adjustment to the body’s cancer and infection fighting system. According to the authors, “Chiropractic adjustments temporarily influence interleukin 2 regulated biological responses following a single adjustment.” Interleukin-2 molecules are proteins that are part of the immune system that attract the white blood cells responsible for immunity.
We could assume from this work, actual spinal correction and on-going spinal wellness care would help to establish more ideal IL-2 levels and immune strength on a long term basis.
To learn more about a comprehensive wellness plan can turn your body into a cancer fighting powerhouse, call your local spinal corrective chiropractor. And remember…just like the Tin Man, the Lion, the Scarecrow and Dorothy, you have always had the power within you.
Dr. Michael Norman of Key West Spine and Injury practices with an emphasis on spinal corrective care.